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دوره تست نفوذ نرم افزار های تحت وب- SANS SEC542

آنچه یاد خواهید گرفت

دوره ٰSANS SEC542

• Overview of the web from a penetration tester's perspective

• Web application assessment methodologies

• The penetration tester's toolkit

• WHOIS and DNS reconnaissance

• Open source intelligence (OSINT)

• The HTTP protocol

• Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) configurations and weaknesses

• Interception Proxies

• Proxying SSL through BurpSuite Pro and Zed Attack Proxy

• Heartbleed exploitation

• Target profiling

• Collecting server information

• Logging and Monitoring

• Learning tools to spider a website

• Analyzing website contents

• Brute forcing unlinked files and directories

• Fuzzing

• Web authentication mechanisms

• Username harvesting and password guessing

• Burp Intruder

• Session management and attacks

• Authentication and authorization bypass

• Mutillidae

• Command Injection

• Directory traversal

• Local File Inclusion (LFI)

• Remote File Inclusion (RFI)

• Insecure Deserialization

• SQL injection

• Blind SQL injection

• Error-based SQL injection

• Exploiting SQL injection

• SQL injection tools: sqlmap

• XML External Entity (XXE)

• Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

• Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF)


• XML and JSON

• Document Object Model (DOM)

• API attacks

• Data attacks

• Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

• Python for web app penetration testing

• WPScan

• ExploitDB

• BurpSuite Pro scanner

• Metasploit

• When tools fail

• Business of Penetration Testing:

o Preparation

o Methodology

o Post Assessment and Reporting

پیش نیاز

( آشتایی با یکی از زبان های برنامه نویسی ) HTML/JAVA Script/ ASP ( دوره CEH)

مخاطبان دوره

  • افراد علاقه مند به تست نفوذ
  • برنامه نویسان تحت وب
  • کارشناسان امنیت وب

توانایی پس ازگذراندن دوره

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