ما را دنبال کنید:

مهندس محمدرضا کسایی شریفی

  • (Iran University of Science and Technology, (Elm’o San’at
  • Islamic Azad University, South Tehran branch

  • Tehran Institute of Technology (Mojtama Fanni Tehran) — Python Teacher
  • Research Training Center of Tehran University - Python Teacher
  • Amirkabir University of Technology — Python Teacher
  • Cybertech Academy — Teacher and Supervisor of Python department

Pyteacher.ir — Python and django Teacher

● This is my personal website that I’ve been created for online and free python, django and DRF learning.

● FULL STACK DEVELOPMENT WITH DJANGO, is the last course I captured. In this course I show how I create my website with django with many features that is common desire in 99 episodes. This is the story of how I create my website. It's not over yet and I should capture more than I captured now.

Aparat.com/kasaie — Python and django Teacher

● About 146 videos that I’ve been created to teach python and django for free. ​

Telegram — Python and django Teacher

  • A channel with 1.4k members. I teach python and django here for free.